In our latest blog we have put together a list of reasons why customers pick us over the competition. 

With years of experience we have a website solution perfect for garment decorators looking to go online hassle free.

Do not just our word for it.

One of our latest customers Castle Printwear spoke to Images Magazine about why they picked us over competitors saying

'We put off having an ecommerce website for some time, thinking it would be too expensive and time consuming to set up. However, eTrader has taken most of the pain away. The support from them has been excellent! They have been so helpful. I wish we had done this years ago'.

First and foremost - what is it we offer?

We offer print and embroidery businesses an ecommerce website filled with garments of their choice and a selection of sales, marketing and search engine tools. We tick all the boxes and provide print and embroidery business practical, useable websites.

What are the other 'options'?

There are three main other options to consider for your print & embroidery businesses website:

A simple, basic wholesalers website
This is the cheapest option but offers limited tools and you are stuck selling their garments offering little or no flexibility.

Use similar web platforms
There are not many platforms for print and embroidery businesses. What is out there is lacklustre in comparison, dictates how to run your business, its accounts, workflow and so on (even though its your business!) You also have to build the thing - surely leave that to the experts...

Go bespoke
This is the expensive option. Have a website built exactly how you want it. It will be personalised to you and your businesses every need. Bear in mind this comes at a price and not every web design ecommerce company understands the print and embroidery industry.

What about us?

Our ecommerce package offers print and embroidery companies a variety of tools to generate online sales and success. Of course being a platform there is a bit of compromise to be had but we tick 95%+ of what most customers are after such as:

We actually build the websites
Unlike other solutions in the industry we actually build the websites for you. No drag and drop designers for you to scratch your head at, no HTML skills required at your end. We do all the graftt.

Sell whatever clothing you like online
You can sell clothing from whoever you like - Pencarrie, BTC, Portwest, Uneek, Prestige and 100s more to pick and choose from. There is no tie in to any supplier or no limits to what you can have on-site. 

Our aftercare is unmatched, we help every step of the way
We do not just sit back and relax once the website is up and running. We want you to get the most out of the website, we assist with things like training, Online Marketing, Search Engine Optimisation and much more.

Unlimited shop areas for customers
There are no limit to the number of stores you can set up for your customers, clubs, schools or shops.

Hassle free shopping
Our easy to use design tool is customer friendly and offers customers a simple way to buy printed or embroidered garments online both safely and securely.

Again do not just take our word for it...

Simon at Curtis Sports came to us looking for a new practial solution for their business which focuses on schoolwear, workwear, teamwear and more.

Asked why he picked us 'We were looking for a website provider with a comprehensive catalogue that we could use to allow our customers easy, simple online purchasing options and provided the ability to set up customers with their own online shops with all their products in one place. 

A quick chat with Andrew from Etrader and a short demo later there was only once choice for us. We are very pleased with the work Andrew and the Etrader team have done for us and can’t praise them highly enough'.

Want to find out more?

Get in touch with us on or call 029 2074 1663. We can run an online demo and show you how we can transform your print and embroidery business with a brand new website.

The global pandemic COVID has shut down the high street and businesses across the UK & Ireland. With a return to work being slowly phased and uncertainty ahead, the online garment decoration industry is not going to be the same again.

Footfall in retail premises will decrease rapidly to the point of being non-existent, customers are looking to be safe and secure in their shopping. Taking your business online gives customers the comfort blank of being able to order their workwear, printed & embroidered from the comfort of their home and so on.

The problem is intensified for those who provide school uniforms, customers will not be able to just pop in-store, try on items and takeaway their uniforms the same day. An ecommerce website is especially pivotal for those who rely on the school uniform rush to build up cashflow.

The demand for creating a website that can take online orders recently has taken off with solutions (such as the one we offer!) providing a popular choice among garment decorators. 

There are pros and cons when it comes to using a solution. Bear in mind they are built for the industry and will cover most bases but maybe not tick 100% of the boxes you want, there is a bit of compromise to be had. But the time, money and resources that can be saved using an ecommerce solution is invaluable.

To get your business thriving online in the post-COVID era we have put together some advice to help you achieve success with an ecommerce website.

Ensure the website layout is mobile & tablet friendly: An almost essential for a website which is still overlooked by many. Your website needs to look great on both a desktop PC/laptop and a mobile & tablet. Customers shopping from home are looking for a crisp, easy user experience to buy their goods online.

Mirror how you work in-store online: Make sure users know all about your knowledge & expertise. Customers previously would have potentially visited your store to find out about your products, service, and branding methods. With this being limited ensure this can be found online to put their minds at ease and help with any queries.

Communicate with your customers through the website: A simple point inexplicably overlooked, provide clear call to actions (CTAs) for customers. Make it easy for them to reach out to you, this can also be through the use of chat bots and live chat facilities.

Set up designated areas for your customers: There will be exiting customers – schools, clubs, businesses who will want to re-order. Provide them their very own shop facility to make their repeat orders simple.

Keep products & prices up to date: This is a mammoth task, but one that needs to be considered. Products are continuously dis-continued and added from suppliers with prices often changing. There are website solutions from wholesalers that manage this aspect but are extremely limited and tie you in to using their products offering no choices or flexibility. Create a website selling the products you want at the prices you want.

Keep your website safe & secure: Customer information needs to be safe & secure and since the introduction of GDPR this is under more scrutiny than ever before. Your website needs an SSL certificate to appear safe in your customers browsers. If it does not have one it will display an error and give your customers a poor user experience or cast doubt in their mind.

Taking payments online: Something not many consider when looking for an ecommerce website, you need a secure payment processor and checkout plus in most cases a merchant account. There is often a monthly cost to these services from banks & payment providers.

Lastly, consider the costs of building an ecommerce website. The garment decoration industry is unique and to build a solution from scratch with products and branding options is complex and expensive. An ecommerce solution may not tick every box a bespoke website does, but it will save you £1000s in development and increase your businesses sales post COVID.

For more information or to book an online demo to see how we could help your print & embroidery business with its website email or call 029 2074 1663

Covid-19 has had a profound effect on the UK nation as a whole with many industries coming to a grinding halt. The garment decoration industry has not seen anything quite like it and yes it is difficult to see business picking back up, but inevitably it will.

While it is a great challenge for businesses trying to survive the pandemic it also presents a once in a lifetime opportunity to reset, re-charge and prepare for what awaits once this is all over.

From a Marketing perspective it firstly provides a chance to evaluate, analyse and review your existing strategy. Identify what is working and conversely what is not working, areas you would like to target, areas that are not being targeting effectively and work out how to get the maximum return on your Marketing budget. Your purse strings going to be tighter than ever before squeeze every bit of value out of your Marketing and plan accordingly.

With in-store promotions and local advertising grinding to a complete halt this frees up some budget to potentially look at your business’s online strategy

With website traffic being minimal it is the ideal chance to assess your businesses website, review it, work on any maintenance, updates and ensure it is full optimised and ready to go for a ‘re-launch’ when the time comes. 

Similar with other Online Marketing tools, look at things like Sponsored Ads on Social Media, Google Adwords and identify if there is opportunity for your business. Plan a strategy, budget and build all the key words ready to go live to your audience once business is fully operational.

You might think all this sounds a bit costly. Where will the budget come from with cashflow being tight, it is a great opportunity for a bit of Marketing DIY. Grow your knowledge, skills and carry out the review and analysis. Plus there is also a chance to broaden your skillset and carry out these ideas yourself learning on the go, familiarising yourself with Social Media channels, or testing our different pieces of software for CRM, Email Campaigns, Social Media scheduling and so on.

It is an unprecedented time that presents many challenges but the optimistic business owner the freed up time is a great opportunity to look at your business, think of where it was, where it is now and think of where you want it to be in a year’s time. Use the time to develop your skills and your business, time wasted is time lost.

Loading speed is how fast your website loads when a user search for it. Customers want their searches to load almost instantly and are not afraid to shop around online if your user experience is not quite up to scratch.

You might think to yourself - why is this important? How can this be helped? Why does it matter?

Well loading speed actually plays a part in Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) and how Google views and ranks your website. Recent studies show that Google considers loading speed as an important ranking factor when considering where to index your businesses website.

Recent Google algorithms focus pre-dominantly on user experience, they consider loading speed an important thing for search users. Pages with a slower loading speed will often have much higher bounce rates plus lower average page view time and lower conversions.

Test your businesses website loading speed using Page Insights on Google. If your loading speed needs improving work alongside a quality reputable web design designer. They will be able to help improve your sites speed with some of the below suggestions:

  • Enabling compression: Use a programme (Gzip) to compress the size of your CSS, HTML & Javascript files on-site. For images compress the sizes using Photoshop or other design software.
  • Reduce page re-directs: Every time a page directs to another page, the wait to find a search and page result increases. Ensure minimal re-directs as these slow down your loading time.
  • Leverage browser caching: Browsers store information every time a user visits your website. Set your ‘expires’ header for a year, this reduces the loading speed over time as it loads saved information and doesn’t have to load the entire page.
  • Improve server response time: Server response time is affected by the number of traffic your site generates, the amount of information it has to load plus the software and hosting package you use. Ensure the server you use has adequate space, the most up-to date software and deals with issues like slow queries and performance.
  • Optimize images: A simple but effective tip for improving your businesses website. Ensure images are a relatively small file size and correct format for loading up in an adequate time.

It's not!

One of the common misconceptions I come across from garment decorators is that they class a 'website' order as an order if the customer pays for it online. This is perceived as somehow different to somebody who finds you online and picks up the phone or emails, or visits your store to give you an enquiry or place an order.

It's all about choice for customers. 

If you've got an 'all singing, all dancing' website where customers are comfortable placing an order for their embroidered or printed clothing online, then great. Lots of them will and you should definitely make that option available to them. 

But if they give you an enquiry and you win the order by any other means then put that in your 'website orders' folder as well. 

A commercial website (brochure or e-commerce) is a sales tool first and foremost.

Make sure it looks professional, promotes trust and reflects the brand and values of your business, and of course sells something. Your homepage especially needs to do this, but equally important, it must be flexible enough for you to easily update with your latest offers, promotions, best-selling products, content, social media campaigns and so on.

Try looking objectively at your homepage, if you're not happy with it then it's unlikely your potential customers will be. If you want an idea of just how critical this stuff is online, I found this article 'a real eye opener':

Focus on marketing, your businesses biggest potential income generator. 

When all that hard work and effort you have put in to promoting your new or existing website starts to pay off and the orders, customers emails and phone-calls are coming in, whatever you do, don't send them back to the place they just came from (your website) to try again, 'cause they'll go somewhere else!

Making sure your website gives the best customer experience possible, and when you get to that dream position of how to handle all the orders then look at the rest of the stuff.

When is a Website Not a Website?

If you want a website that books the job in, does the proofing for you, creates the delivery note, sends the invoice, collects the payments and even makes the tea. That's not a 'website'! 

There's plenty of software out there that'll handle all that (maybe not the tea) and will serve you well. You can get it built specifically or integrate it with your website. We meet lots of people in our industry who tell us about how much time they spend on this kind of stuff, trying to do it themselves, trying to figure out how these systems work, attempting to upload a zillion products, worrying about whether they need to add more widgets or features to make it better for them. 

What about the customer? 

Excercise caution if you find something that promises to do it all in one, that's a tall order to be all things to all 'platforms'. 

What if you want to change your website? 

You shouldn't have to change your order processing system. What if you want to update your brand and improve your marketing or get a swanky new responsive website, you shouldn't have to change your proofing system or accounts package.

Don't get me wrong, it's not that this stuff isn't important, it is! But they are not the same and none of it will win you any business...

One last thought... 

Try setting up a new site from a website design company online, fully branded for your business to sell your embroidered or printed clothing. It will cost £10k+ and take months of planning and consideration.

For a sensible solution that helps businesses actually generates income get in touch on or call 029 2074 1663

We will happily chat to you and see if we can possibly help grow your business and its online presence.

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Website design & development by Designer Websites Ltd.
eTrader at The BPMA Show

There is only one week to go to the BPMA Show taking place on the 14th September at Silverstone. The show sees us launch our brand new websites for promotional products. 

We recently joined the BPMA as an associate member so we are excited to meet some more of the associations fellow members and discuss how we feel we can help the industry with the challenges it faces when trading online.

Why you should attend...

Promotional products week...

The show takes place during Promotional Products week (12th-16th September) and we recently received our official mascot for the week 'Ellie the Elephant'. We have been a big fan of the distributors posting pictures online using the hashtag #ppweek and #promoteyourbrand and here is our very own, Ellie perched on a lectern in our office...

The campaign is aimed at promoting the industry but also supporting a worthwhile cause, Pancreatic Cancer UK. Text BPMA50 £3 to make a donation or visit and donate through the just giving page.

For more information on our new websites for promotional products email or for more on the upcoming BPMA show visit 
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Website design & development by Designer Websites Ltd.